In order to apply for a divorce in Ireland, certain conditions must be met before submitting an application to a court for a decree of divorce. This is a legal document which states that the...
Can my ex husband or wife get away with not paying the bills?
We get asked this question all the time. Spouse leaves Family Home sets up with new relationship and says they have little or no funds to meet their First Family obligations . The urgency of the...
All picture no sound?
Is it all picture and no sound and you are separated and living in the same house? This came up recently in a case where a couple decided they were not able to live together as Man and Wife and they...
“The do-it-yourself Legal Advice”
"The do-it-yourself Legal Advice" (He would say that wouldn’t he!) It struck me recently reading various articles that the general idea of governments both here and in the UK is to encourage...
Hello Divorce, Bye Bye Daddy
It's just over twenty years since Ireland voted to allow divorce. The "Hello Divorce, Bye Bye Daddy" was a bitterly divisive referendum campaign. In the end less than 10,000 votes separated the two...
How Do I Avoid the Financial Costs of Separation?
[headline style="1" align="center" headline_tag="h2"] [/headline]Simple answer is you don’t any separation between a previously married couple will have both emotional and financial effects on both...
The Separation Process?
Is There Any Advantage in Being the Person Who Starts the Separation Process? There is no advantage in being the first person to take proceedings. In reality it is the spouse who is most aggrieved...